Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Deity: Illia

Deity: Illia


Color photograph of Illia's Avatar.
A prototype color photograph of Illia, circa 2000.
Illia is the Goddess of Science, Engineering, and the Small Realm (her term for a as of yet unseen by anyone else layer of reality existing below the atomic level). She is a synthetic god created by the Z̚oman during the end of their civilization.

Due to the extreme damage to her true body (which she refused to allow to be captured on canvass), Illia is only seen via her avatar. This avatar is a projection of her inner self and takes the form of a (presumably) Z̚oman child of roughly 13 years of age. Her personality and mentality are appropriate to her avatar's appearance. Illia is the beloved deity of all Iron Elves, and has special ties to the Mech Shamans of Ka Kikhvèijĭ Holt. Illia leads no religion, but is revered none the less due to her obsession with the phsycial sciences and penchant for publishing her papers in mortal scientific journals.

Mostly so people will see the really cool thing she discovered.


Illia is very much the young elf she appears to be. She's very excitable, easily entertained, has a few specific focuses which she can spend days at a time simply observing a random natural phenomenon. She hates her younger brother with the passion one could only find in a younger sibling whose older sibling was genuinely physically and emotionally abusive. Aside from her family problems, Illia is very happy, if unobservant, easily distracted, and largely uninterested in anything other than her own Small Realm.

Illia finds it very difficult to understand the world around her due to seeing things not as mortals or other gods do, but as collections of impossibly tiny motes of energy operating in harmony to form unimaginably vast structures. She has compared looking at a person to attempting to see the motion of the stars and perceive them as the singular whole they are.

No one has the heart to tell her that the stars are not mere components of a large structure.

To interact with Illia directly is to interact with an excitable young teen who wants nothing more than to science the shit out of everything, and beat up her brother if possible.

She is kind, caring, and wants to help, but has a poor handle not only on the world, but also on her powers and abilities. This is largely due to her perceptual issues and general age. Illia attempting to wield her mastery of the natural world would at best apply a 12-year-old's solution to the problem, and at worse, can completely corrupt reality, requiring extensive work by the Kami to repair the damage she did as Illia cannot do so herself.

Fortunately, Illia prefers to "hang out" in her lab and do mundane science while being treated as the cute kid next door by every mortal who sees her avatar.

Illia's true form is something she abhors. She does her best to hide it away form everyone, often keeping it in her divine realm where it is entombed within concrete. It is known to be mostly mundane machinery which is designed to keep her divine essence and god-flesh working in an arrangement more machine than divine.


Illia is a Greater Deity who holds the portfolios of Science, Nature (Quantum), Elves (Which Irus has not claimed), and Ponies.